3 types of water that are good for the skin for girls who stay up all night

Do you want to have healthy, beautiful, gentle skin and have to stay up late often? Check out 3 types of water that are good for your skin for night owls in the following article!

For girls who stay up late, maintaining smooth and radiant skin is not easy. Night owls always face challenges in taking care of their skin, but don’t worry too much because there are always drinks that are good for your skin, helping to keep your skin healthy, beautiful, and smooth. Let’s learn about 3 types of water that are good for the skin of night owls with Vlux Vietnam!
1. Red flesh dragon fruit smoothie
Red-fleshed dragon fruit is a popular tropical fruit with a reasonable price but contains a significant amount of nutrition. This fruit is especially rich in carotene, anthocyanin and vitamin C – powerful antioxidants that help maintain youthful and bright skin.
Not only that, combining red dragon fruit smoothie with mulberries and blueberries also helps supplement cardiovascular health, strengthen the immune system and support eyesight for “night owl” girls with the habit of spending time together. a lot of time in front of the computer screen.
Sinh tố thanh long ruột đỏ giúp đem lại làn da trẻ trung, trắng sáng
Red flesh dragon fruit smoothie helps bring youthful, bright white skin
Prepared ingredients
  • 1/2 red flesh dragon fruit
  • 4-5 blueberries
  • 4-5 mulberries
  • 300ml filtered water
Wash the dragon fruit, blueberries and mulberries. Next, cut half of the dragon fruit into small slices and put each fruit in turn into the blender.
Next, mix 300ml of water into the fruit mixture in the blender and puree. Finally, pour the pureed smoothie mixture into the glass and enjoy directly.
Remember that you should not add ice to your evening smoothie to protect your digestive system!
2. Apple, carrot and cherry tomato smoothie
Apples are a fruit rich in important vitamins and minerals, helping to strengthen the immune system and nourish the skin from the inside. Carrots are not only good for eyesight but also contain many properties that help prevent skin ageing. Meanwhile, cherry tomatoes contain organic compounds such as acid, lutein, carotenoids, chlorogenic and especially lycopene. Lycopene in cherry tomatoes helps eliminate free radicals and reduce the risk of cancer.
Sinh tố táo cà rốt và cà chua bi
Apple, carrot and cherry tomato smoothie
Prepared ingredients
  • 1/2 apple
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • 300ml filtered water
Wash apples, carrots, and cherry tomatoes, then put them all in a blender with 300ml of water. To make the drink more cool and delicious, you can add 5-7 ice cubes to blend.
3. Honey mixed with warm water
Honey – a “miracle drug” that helps improve women’s health and beauty. It contains lots of vitamin C, vitamin B and important minerals such as calcium, potassium, and zinc,… along with antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, enhancing resistance and preventing ageing. Try drinking a glass of warm water mixed with honey every night before going to bed to maintain health, and youthful skin and reduce feelings of restlessness and anxiety.
Mật ong pha nước ấm
Honey mixed with warm water
Prepared ingredients
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • 1 glass of warm water
Add 2 teaspoons of honey to 1 glass of warm water (about 40-45 degrees Celsius) and stir well until the honey dissolves. To add more flavour, you can add lemon or ginger.
No longer have to worry about tired or dry skin when staying up late thanks to the support of these three wonderful types of water. From natural ingredients and valuable nutrients, these drinks will be a miraculous salvation for your skin.
To order high-quality agricultural products that are good for the skin, please contact:
Email: info@vluxexim.com/ hienchi.vlux@gmail.com
Website: vluxexim.com
Address: No. 58A Vo Van Dung Street, O Cho Dua Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam.
Mobile/Whatsapp/Wechat: +84 812 887 858

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