6 effects of chili to help you eat spicy food healthily

Chilli peppers are one of the most popular foods on the planet. In Asia, especially Vietnam, chilli peppers are not only used as a spice. In Vietnamese cuisine, chilli is also processed into many delicious dishes. Do you know about the wonderful effects of chilli? How to eat chilli for good health? We invite you to learn through the following article on Vlux Vietnam.

Nutritional information of chili peppers
What vitamins do chilli peppers have? Chilli is a vitamin-rich food. Chilli contains:
  • With its powerful antioxidant effects, vitamin C is important for wound healing and immune function.
  • Vitamin B6 plays a role in energy metabolism.
  • Vitamin A is converted from the beta-carotene compound found in chilli peppers.
  • Vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting and healthy bones and kidneys.
  • Folate is necessary for healthy red blood cell production.
In addition, chilli peppers are also a source of essential minerals such as potassium, copper, etc. Chilli peppers also contain two biologically active plant compounds: capsaicin and carotenoids. In particular, capsaicin is the compound that creates the characteristic spicy taste of chilli and brings many health benefits.
Effects of chili
Is chilli good to eat? Packed with nutrients, chilli is a food that should be included in your healthy diet. With a moderate amount of chilli, the wonderful effects of chilli will positively impact your health.
1. Eating chili helps prolong life
According to a report from the American Heart Association, adding chilli peppers to the diet can help reduce the risk of dying from cancer or cardiovascular disease and prolong life.
The report compared the health and dietary records of more than 570,000 people in the US, Italy, China and Iran. Participants were classified according to the diets of frequent, rare, and never-chilli eaters.
The results reported by the American Heart Association on chilli consumption are as follows. Compared with those who rarely or never ate chilli peppers, the analysis found that those who ate peppers had:
Reduced cardiovascular mortality rate by 26%.
Reduced cancer death rate by 23%.
Approximately 25% reduction in mortality from other causes
Another study demonstrated that people who ate chilli peppers at least 4 times per week for 8 years had a significantly lower mortality rate than those who rarely or never did.
Why does eating chilli help live longer?
There are currently no specific studies explaining why we live longer. The hypothesis from scientists is that Capsaicin is the cause.
The capsaicin that gives chilli peppers their heat is also known to be a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.
2. Effects of chili: Helps prevent cancer
Chilli peppers are not only used to enhance the flavour of dishes. Studies show that chilli also helps prevent cancer.
In the 2016 scientific journal Molecules, researchers found that capsaicin, a compound found in chilli peppers, may act as cancer preventative.
In addition, according to the University of California, the capsaicin ingredient in chilli peppers can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent pathogens from growing. This compound also acts as a natural remedy to help control prostate cancer.
3. Helps to lose weight and maintain weight
Losing weight and maintaining a balanced weight is not only for beauty. To promote good health, you should control your weight appropriately. Obesity and fat in the blood will increase the risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.
So, what is the effect of chilli? Studies show that capsaicin can promote weight loss. This compound helps you reduce your appetite. Other research also proves that 10 grams of red chilli in a meal increases fat burning.
However, not all studies show that eating chilli peppers is effective for weight loss. The reason may come from the fact that the chilli content in our meals is too little to have a noticeable impact.
In short, along with a healthy lifestyle, you can completely lose weight if you add red peppers or foods rich in capsaicin.
4. Eating chilli helps control blood sugar levels
Eating chilli peppers regularly can help control blood insulin levels. This is a great effect of chilli on diabetic patients. Accordingly, people who often eat chilli in their meals have 60% better blood sugar control than people who do not eat chilli.
5. Effects of chilli: Effective pain relief support
Capsaicin can bind to nociceptors, the nerve endings that sense pain. That’s why you feel hot when you eat chilli.
Consuming too much chilli can reduce the sensitivity of pain receptors. From there, another effect of chilli is effective pain relief.
In addition, studies also show that red pepper can help treat and improve heartburn. However, to treat heartburn, you should consult your doctor. Because during the first five weeks or so the pain from acid reflux will be worse, symptoms will improve over time.
6. Good for the heart
What are the effects of chilli peppers on our health? With abundant potassium content, combined with folate found in chilli peppers can limit the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The potassium in chilli peppers relaxes blood vessels. This helps to stabilize blood flow in the circulatory system. In addition to vitamin B9, chilli peppers are also high in riboflavin (vitamin B2) and niacin (vitamin B3). Riboflavin plays a role in fat breakdown. Niacin helps to improve cholesterol levels in the body.
With a high content of B-complex vitamins, chilli peppers provide many benefits for the heart. Not only help reduce the risk of heart disease, but chilli also limits atherosclerosis.
Is it good to eat a lot of chilli?
Is it good to eat a lot of chilli? Capsaicin in chilli peppers has many health benefits. However, this compound is also the reason you should not eat too much chilli. Consuming too much capsaicin can lead to stomach and intestinal irritation or mouth sores.
A report from the US National Library of Medicine reports that consuming too much red pepper can cause side effects. Eating too much chilli will lead to stomach irritation, indigestion, and intestinal irritation… Over time, it can lead to serious consequences such as liver damage and increased blood pressure.
How to eat chili for good health
How to eat chilli for good health? As recommended by the American Heart Association, it’s best to incorporate only a small amount of chilli chilli into a healthy diet every day. You should pay attention not to eat more than 15g of chili per day.
In other words, eating more chili peppers can’t be more effective than maintaining a healthy diet every day.
Who shouldn’t eat chilli?
With the positive effects of chili, we have more reasons to add this food to our daily meals. However, chilli chilli is not for everyone. If you have the following health problems, you should not eat chilli:
  • People with gastrointestinal problems, including chronic gastritis, and stomach ulcers. To explain this, hot peppers can lead to mucosal oedema, increase gastric motility, and affect the recovery of digestive function.
  • People with gallbladder problems, such as gallstones, and chronic cholecystitis. Eating chilli can stimulate stomach acid and negatively affect the gallbladder.
  • People with diseases related to the heart, blood pressure, and bronchi. Capsaicin in chilli peppers promotes blood circulation, helping blood circulate better. However, for people with the above diseases, rapid heartbeat can easily lead to acute heart failure.
  • People with haemorrhoids chilli or constipation problems.
  • People with pink eye and keratitis.
  • Women who are breastfeeding should also limit eating chili as it can also affect breast milk.
Chilli peppers bring many health benefits. Typical effects of chilli can include:
  • Helps prolong life
  • Helps prevent cardiovascular disease
  • Helps prevent cancer
  • Weight control
  • Control blood sugar
  • Pain relief
The health effects of chilli are real. However, with the limited amount of chilli, we can eat every day, eating chilli alone cannot have a clear positive impact on our health. To eat healthy chilli, you should combine eating chilli with a healthy diet.
To order the best quality chilli, please contact:
Email: info@vluxexim.com/ hienchi.vlux@gmail.com
Website: vluxexim.com
Address: No. 58A Vo Van Dung Street, O Cho Dua Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam.
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