Nutrition for overweight and obese children

Nutrition for overweight and obese children is very important so that they can lose weight effectively while still ensuring comprehensive nutritional development. Please refer to it!
Overweight and obesity negatively affect the health and long-term development of children. Overweight and obese children need a more scientific diet to help them reduce excess fat while still ensuring nutrients for comprehensive development. Take a look!
1. Reduce food sources that contain empty calories and are high in fat
Foods such as candy, carbonated soft drinks, cakes, etc. are foods rich in energy but do not provide nutrition for the baby and should be limited as much as possible.
Foods that are too rich in energy and create excess for overweight babies such as butter, chocolate, and drinks with too much sugar, etc. mothers should also limit and should not store them in the house.
When preparing food for overweight babies, mothers prioritize boiled, steamed and braised dishes; Limit fried and stir-fried foods. Avoid giving your baby a lot of animal skins and fats, give priority to vegetable oils.
Hạn chế các thực phẩm giàu năng lượng rỗng và chất béo cho bé thừa cân
Limit foods rich in empty calories and fat for overweight children
2. Provide the necessary amount of protein according to age group
Even though the baby is overweight or obese, the baby’s body still needs a minimum amount of protein to provide enough nutrition for the body to develop. Therefore, mothers need to consult and provide their children with adequate amounts of food to ensure the necessary amount of protein.
You can refer to the amount of protein and protein needed by the following age groups:
Children aged 9 – 13 years old need at least 34 g of protein per day;
Children 4 – 8 years old need 19 g of protein per day;
Children 1 – 3 years old need at least 13 grams of protein per day.
Đảm bảo vẫn cung cấp đủ lượng đạm cần thiết cho bé
Make sure to still provide enough protein for your baby
3. Make sure to provide enough calcium
In reducing the amount of food and fat for overweight children, mothers should be careful not to reduce the amount of calcium provided to their children, because it is important for developing strong bones and the baby’s height.
Sources of calcium can be from milk, dairy products or calcium-rich foods such as seafood, and some vegetables (kale, bok choy, amaranth, spinach, broccoli,…), …
Duy trì lượng canxi cần thiết cho phát triển hệ xương và chiều cao của bé
Maintain the amount of calcium necessary for baby’s bone development and height
Many mothers who cut their overweight babies’ diets reduce or cut off their babies’ milk because they think it will make them gain more weight. So you have eliminated your child’s abundant sources of calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, whey protein, and lactose…! Instead of cutting back, let your child use unsweetened milk, skim milk, breast milk, and milk for overweight and obese children.
Make sure your child drinks enough water to help regulate substances in the body and help control energy effectively.
4. Encourage children to eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables
Feeding children lots of fruits and vegetables not only helps provide many good vitamins for the body but also provides a lot of fibre to reduce the possibility of obesity.
Fibre has no nutritional value, so it only creates a feeling of fullness without increasing energy for the body. Therefore, it is very beneficial for people who are obese.
Nutritious cereals ensure the supply of vitamins, minerals and starch for the baby’s body to develop without excess fat. However, mothers need to consult to avoid calorie-rich grains such as peanuts,…
Ngũ cốc, trái cây và rau xanh là thực phẩm tuyệt vời cho bé thừa cân
Cereals, fruits and vegetables are great foods for overweight babies
5. Feed children on time, do not skip meals
When children are overweight, mothers should feed them in moderation, not skipping meals; Children should not be too hungry, because if they are too hungry, they will eat twice as much as normal, easily leading to excess fat storage.
Mothers can divide their meals into smaller portions, feeding their children 5-6 times a day. It is better to eat less each time than to eat fewer meals but overeat in one meal. Do not let your child eat or drink milk before bedtime.
In addition, children must have regular sleep and not stay up too late. When sleeping deeply, the body will increase the secretion of growth hormones, and the child will grow longer while sleeping. At the same time, getting enough sleep also inhibits the production of some substances that stimulate appetite, so children will eat less, gain less weight, and more easily escape overweight and obesity.
Cần cho bé giờ ăn và giấc ngủ điều độ
It is necessary to give your baby regular meals and sleep
6. Increase exercise and sports
Give children 30 – 60 minutes of physical activity every day: Running, playing soccer, cycling and swimming. Parents can practice with their baby to monitor and encourage their baby’s activities.
When going to public playgrounds, encourage children to play games that increase energy consumption such as slides, climbing ropes and playing in ball houses.
Limit time spent watching TV, videos, and video games to less than 2 hours/day. Children need to be able to play and run around in their free time. Guide children to do housework: Clean the house, and children’s toy corner and fold clothes,…
Giúp trẻ thừa cân tăng cường vận động
Help overweight children increase exercise
Finally, even though your baby needs to lose weight, mothers should be careful not to cut their child’s diet suddenly, but slowly, to avoid the child’s body not being able to adapt in time and becoming sluggish and tired due to lack of energy. all necessary nutrients.
Mothers must control and limit the baby’s weight gain during this period, avoiding rapid weight loss that can negatively affect health.
A reasonable diet and weight loss will help overweight and obese children quickly regain a healthy state while still ensuring nutritional needs for comprehensive development. Mothers should consult to find a reasonable and scientific way to lose weight for their babies!
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