Do you know 7 great health benefits of kohlrabi?

As a nutritious food containing many nutrients, kohlrabi is often used in the daily meals of many families. However, do you know the 7 wonderful health benefits of kohlrabi? Please refer to this article with Vlux Vietnam to understand better!

1. Good for the digestive system

Với hàm lượng chất xơ dồi dào, su hào giúp duy trì hoạt động của ruột và ruột kết, từ đó giúp hệ tiêu hóa thông suốt và khỏe mạnh hơn

With its rich fibre content, kohlrabi helps maintain the activity of the intestines and colon, thereby helping the digestive system stay smooth. On the other hand, fibre also helps maintain the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, minimizing the possibility of constipation, gastrointestinal diseases, haemorrhoids and colon cancer. Adding dishes made from this food type is a wise choice for people with weak digestive systems.
2. Supports weight loss
Su hào chứa nhiều nước, vitamin, lại có hàm lượng chất béo ít và chỉ số calo thấp nên tốt cho người muốn giảm cân
91% of kohlrabi is water, the rest is fibre, vitamins and other minerals. It also contains very little fat and is low in calories. Therefore, kohlrabi has become one of the ideal foods for people who want to lose weight. Adding kohlrabi to your diet also helps prevent dangerous diseases related to heart disease and stroke because it does not contain cholesterol.
3. Prevent some cancers
Su hào thuộc nhóm những loại rau củ giàu phytochemical bật nhất, đặc biệt là glucosinolates, có khả năng ngăn chặn sự tấn công của các tế bào ung thư, nhất là ung thư vú và tuyến tiền liệt
According to some studies, kohlrabi belongs to the group of vegetables rich in phytochemicals, especially glucosinolates. This is an important antioxidant, capable of preventing the attack of cancer cells, especially breast and prostate cancer.
According to Healthline, all types of kohlrabi are high in isothiocyanates and glucosinolates, which are powerful antioxidants linked to a reduced risk of certain cancers, heart disease and inflammation.
4. Purifies the blood and kidneys
Không chỉ chứa lượng nước lớn, su hào còn chứa nhiều vitamin B6, C và khoáng chất potassium, có công dụng thanh lọc máu và thận cực tốt, giúp loại bỏ các cặn bã tích tụ ra khỏi cơ thể và khơi thông hệ tiêu hóa
Not only does it contain a large amount of water, but kohlrabi also contains a lot of vitamins B6, and C and potassium minerals. Therefore, this food can purify the blood and kidneys extremely well, helping to remove accumulated waste from the body and unclog the digestive system. However, you should only use a sufficient amount of kohlrabi to work best because too much can easily cause loss of vitality and blood.
5. Good for mother and fetus
Các khoáng chất trong su hào như selen, folic, magie, kali,... là những dưỡng chất thiết yếu cần trong quá trình mang thai, tốt cho cả mẹ và thai nhi
Minerals in kohlrabi such as selenium, folic, magnesium, and potassium,… are essential nutrients needed during pregnancy. Supplementing mothers with these micronutrients will help improve their health while supporting the baby’s nervous system and brain to develop more comprehensively.
6. Fight colds in winter, strengthen the immune system
Với hàm lượng vitamin C lớn, ăn các món chế biến từ su hào giúp chúng ta tăng cường sức đề kháng, chống lại các bệnh tật trong đó có cảm cúm thường gặp trong mùa đông
With a high vitamin C content, eating dishes made from kohlrabi helps us increase our resistance and fight diseases, including common colds in winter. In particular, the above amount of vitamin C also helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, prevent cancer, etc. This vitamin also improves absorption and restores vitamin E supplies, enhancing health.
7. Good for the nervous system and muscles
Kali trong su hào rất tốt cho sức khỏe và cơ chế hoạt động của hệ thần kinh đồng thời cung cấp nguyên liệu cho cơ bắp sử dụng
Potassium in kohlrabi is very good for health and the functioning of the nervous system. This substance supports the accumulation of carbohydrates in the body, providing raw materials for muscle movement. Providing enough potassium for the body also helps increase the brain’s information processing speed.
Some important notes when using kohlrabi:
– Kohlrabi has extremely high nutrient content, especially when eaten raw. Therefore, young children, people with poor digestive systems or stomach pain should not use kohlrabi this way because it can easily cause stomach pain.
– Similar to broccoli, and cauliflower,… kohlrabi also contains many goitrogens and some plant compounds that can cause thyroid swelling. Therefore, people with a history of or currently suffering from thyroid dysfunction should limit their use of meals.
After reading this article, remember to add kohlrabi to the list of foods you should eat every day to improve the quality of your family’s meals!
To order fresh kohlrabi, please contact:
Address: No. 58A Vo Van Dung Street, O Cho Dua Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam.
Mobile/Whatsapp/Wechat: +84 812 887 858

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